Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pages of Treasures - Episode 7

Man Suk is very free after his retirement. He goes out in the mornings to buy breakfast for his family. He also asks Yuk to have lunch with him at a nearby eatery which has recently opened. However, Yuk says she wants to go to the bank to monitor the stock market first. Man Suk decides to follow Yuk there.

Yuk lost at the stock market that day and her friends also lose some money. Her friends commented that Yuk should not bring Man Suk along as he sits there the whole morning reading books. (Books are called shu in Cantonese which has the same tone as lose) Yuk's friends thinks that Man Suk's reading is the reason for their losses.

Pages of Treasures TVB Episode 7

Man Suk goes to the old folks' home to visit his former employer, Tong Suk (who is also Kei Kei's grandfather). Tong Suk and two of his friends play a card game with Man Suk but Man Suk is confused with the game play.

Kei Kei visits Tong Suk at the old folks home. But she has ulterior motives. Kei Kei bought some snacks for Tong Suk which she knows that Tong Suk will reimburse her the amount. In fact she knows that Tong Suk will give her even more than the amount she paid. However Man Suk sees through her motives and told Tong Suk that it is dangerous for Kei Kei to be carrying so much cash on her. Man Suk advises Tong Suk to pay her little by little much to Kei Kei's disappointments.

Pages of Treasures TVB Episode 7

Kei Kei is upset with Man Suk for foiling her plan so she played a trick on him. She intentionally throw a bottle at Man Suk's feet and caused him to trip and fall. Luckily Chung witnessed the whole incident and scolded Kei Kei. Man Suk thanked Chung and has a good impression of her.

Alex's boss praised him for a job well done for managing to solve the IT problem on his first day at work. Alex was humble and in return thanked Hillary for guiding the team well. Hillary admires Alex's working ethics and team spirit.

Alex confides to Ming that he has a two-year deal with Abbie. Ming advises him not to let their parents know about this. Alex explains that Abbie does not like Hong Kong because Hong Kong is a place of sorrow for her. Alex and Ming plan to change Abbie's impression by welcoming her to their family, which is full of warmth and love.

Alex brings Abbie home for dinner at his house. Abbie was very thoughtful and bought gifts for the family. Yuk even plans to cook Western food for Abbie's sake. Abbie offers to help in the kitchen. After dinner, the family shares Alex's childhood stories with Abbie.

Pages of Treasures TVB Episode 7

Fai goes to the old folks' home to visit his mother but he got angry when he sees Chung there. He thought Chung was there to instigate his mother again. Fai told his mother that the lawyer advises her to drop the lawsuit against him. Chung accuses Fai of cheating his mother's savings but Fai insists that he has already returned the money (HKD 500,000) he borrowed from his mother for the downpayment of his house. In fact, he even gave his mother an additional HKD 500,000 when he sold the house. Chung claims that Fai is lying as she has seen his mother's bank savings book and there is only a few thousand dollars in the account.

Pages of Treasures TVB Episode 7

Man Suk shares the story of Fai cheating his mother's savings with his family. Ming stood by Fai and says that Fai is a very trust-worthy person. Man Suk thinks that Fai's character is questionable. Ming blames Chung for being busybody to get herself entangled in the argument between the mother and son. Ming and Man Suk disagree on this matter, both insist that they are each right.

Chung visits her ex-mother-in-law again after getting a call from the nurse that she refuses to eat. In the midst of her visit, the fire alarm at the home goes off. Chung quickly asks her ex-mother-in-law to evacuate but she rushed back into the room. She wants to take the biscuit tin from under her bed first.

Once they are out of the building, Chung asks her ex-mother-in-law what is in the biscuit tin that is so important. She offers to help her ex-mother-in-law hold the tin, but her ex-mother-in-law refused. In the midst of pushing and pulling, the tin fell and its contents were exposed. There was HKD 500,000 in cash inside the tin. Apparently, Chung's ex-mother-in-law hid the money returned by Fai in the tin!

Pages of Treasures TVB Episode 7

Ming heard the telephone conversation between Pansy and Chung and knows that Chung was cheated by her ex-mother-in-law. Pansy tells the whole story to Ming and he realises that Chung is not that bad after all.

Ming saw Fai's wife confronting Chung at the mall. She accuses Chung of instigating Fai's mother. Chung tells her that she no longer takes interest in the mother and son's problems. As Fai's wife scolds Chung, she suddenly experience cramps and needs to go into labour. Ming and Chung send her to the hospital.

Ming finally realises that Chung has a good heart and apologises to her. The two bickering enemies are now friends.

Previous Recaps:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6

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