Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tavia Yeung puts rumours to rest

Recently, there are numerous reports claiming TVB actress, Tavia Yeung, to have a crooked chin which was caused by nerve inflamation. Left with no other options, Tavia has spoken out against those reports.

Tavia Yeung Yi

Tavia admits that she has indeed fallen ill about a month ago while filming TVB new series, The Truth. She had a stiff neck and had difficulty speaking. However after seeking treatment, she explains that she has recovered. It was a strain of flu that caused inflamed nerve. However, Tavia emphasises that she does not have a crooked chin.

The doctor note that Tavia is very stresses and advises her to get more rest. Tavia assures fans that she has recovered but to enhance her health, she is taking more Chinese tonics and is continuing her acupunture treatment. She also does not forget to thank everyone for their concern.

Source: Oriental Daily with translations by aZnangel@

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