Monday, September 1, 2008

Raymond Lam perspiring at meet and greet!

Raymond Lam is certainly one very busy man, albeit a very popular one. Recently Raymond had a meet-the-fans session at a local shopping mall. Many fans turned up and filled the 3-storey mall including foreigners. That's how popular Raymond is.

Raymond Lam

Raymond sang a few songs to promote his up coming album. He also played some games with his fans. The atmosphere was hot and Raymond was perspiring after belting out a few songs. A caring fan offered him some tissue to wipe his sweat.

Raymond Lam

This is the first time for Raymond to attend a fan session where by the fans get to shake hands with their idol. Raymond jokingly said that he has prepared for this session by applying lots of lotion. He's also not worried that there might be some overzealous fans who will suddenly hug or kiss him. He said, “I don’t think they will! My fans are very polite. I had been hugged by fans before. But I don’t think that’s a problem, it’s just an expression of enthusiasm.

Reporters also questioned Raymond about the high ratings that Moonlight Resonance is achieving. When asked if there might be a celebratory dinner, Raymond said that Lee Heung Kam, who plays grandma, is already asking him when they can meet for dinner. But Raymond said that everyone is busy at the moment and it's difficult to find a time when everyone will be free.

Credits: Oriental Daily, kat @
News Source: Oriental Daily

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