Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gallen Lo woos Anita Yuen in Grand Entrepreneur

Picture this: Gallen Lo holding a bunch of balloons and stalking Anita Yuen. Err... don't worry! This isn't really happening, it is merely a scene from the upcoming TVB drama The Grand Entrepreneur.

Gallen Lo Anita Yuen The Grand Entrepreneur TVB

Although both Gallen and Anita had known each other for many years, this is their first collaboration in a drama series. Gallen was also spotted with a new image as he now has a goatee. Anita said that Gallen's goatee "makes her think twice about their intimate scenes." Anita said Gallen already look handsome even without the goatee, or perhaps she is just not used to seeing this "new" Gallen.

Gallen said his new facial hair makes him feel cool and this is the first time he is keeping a goatee. Aside from Gallen, Kenneth Ma was also spotted with a goatee. Kenneth said, "My first time too. I think guys with facial hair look very cool!" Kenneth said.

Source: On.CC with translations by Gallen's Harbour

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