Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Anita Yuen and Ray Lui share Christmas experiences

The Grand Entrepreneur TVB Cast

Anita Yuen and Ray Lui were busy filming TVB new series The Grand Entrepreneur. Anita revealed that she did not need to work during Christmas Eve. As such, she could spend the day with her family. She has to work on Christmas Day, though. Anita shared, "Although I had to work on Christmas day but we finished shooting early. That is why I went to have dinner with Chilam (Anita's husband). Morton went to Disneyland with his grandma. It's been a long time since we spent a festive occasion with just the 2 of us. It's a rare opportunity." Anita also reveal that Chilam gave her a Christmas present, but she did not give him anything in return. She said, "Nothing, I haven't given him presents for many years".

Anita Yuen and Ray Lui, The Grand Entrepreneur TVB

Ray Lui also shared his Christmas experience, "At Christmas I invited friends to have a party, my son was also included. I gave him a superman figure to encourage him to work hard in studying and go beyond others. He can also be Superman." Ray said that he enjoyed filming series, and that is why he returned. he doesn't nimd filming on Christmas.

Gallen Lo, The Grand Entrepreneur TVB

The cast and crew celebrated Christmas by having dinner together on Boxing Day but Gallen Lo did not attend. Gallen explained, "That day I had to shoot outdoor scenes therefore I couldn't attend. I spent Christmas alone and it was very quiet, very peaceful. On New Year's Eve I will be rehearsing dancing with Nancy Sit because I need to shoot a scene that consists of her tripping over. I hope there won't be any accidents and perhaps we can use Wires on the day. I am afraid that I won't have the strength to lift her up after shooting the scene for a while."

Source: On.CC with translations by Matchbox @ MediaChamber.net

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